Be Home. Be Comfortable. Be Cared For.


Many older adults eventually lose the ability to drive, and many also struggle with public transportation – even if it’s available. This can lead to difficulty with shopping, getting to medical appointments, and social isolation. While family members can often provide a ride to events, the loss of independence often causes withdrawal and loneliness, impacting health.

B Home Care addresses this by providing elderly transportation services for errands, medical appointments, and even social events.

B Home Care Transportation Services helps the elderly stay active, attend appointments, & stay connected with friends and family.

Where Our Transportation Services Can Take Your Loved Ones

We don’t limit service to things that are considered “essential.” However, we will absolutely transport your loved one to all of their medical services. In fact, we will take your loved one anywhere they need to.

That might mean your home if nobody has a chance to pick them up or for a visit with a friend. It might mean hair and beauty appointments, or errands from grocery shopping to clothes shopping to buying Christmas presents.

We provide transportation to all religious services and any special and family events. We can bring your loved one to a family wedding, a birthday party, a graduation, or a funeral. We don’t judge but rather give you or your loved one as much independence as possible to get to everything they want to go to. On top of that, our drivers are trained to transport the elderly, including those with mobility needs and health challenges.

When Would an Elderly Person Benefit from Transportation Services?

Age is not the determining factor for when an elderly person needs to stop driving. Some people may need to stop in their 60s, and some might drive well into their 80s. Some signs that transportation services might be needed are:

  • Vision loss. Some forms of vision loss, such as cataracts, are fixable. However, many seniors see a permanent decline in visual field or acuity.
  • Physical weakness that might impact their ability to react quickly behind the wheel.
  • Cognitive decline, especially getting lost in familiar areas, having difficulty reading road signs, etc.

Keep an eye on your loved one and watch for when it might no longer be safe enough for them to drive themselves. Additionally, some seniors may have relied on public transportation. However, cognitive decline can make it hard to navigate the bus system and result in them getting lost.

How Elderly Transportation Services Help

Our goal with elderly transportation services is to help maintain independence. These services can help you stay home longer before having to move to a facility that has social opportunities and other amenities on site.

Typically, you or your loved one can call for transportation at any time, regardless of the need or destination. You may also schedule regular trips, such as to church or a family dinner every Thursday night.

Drivers with B Home Care, use accessible vehicles, including wheelchair lifts and securement systems. This can be cheaper than purchasing an accessible vehicle to transport a disabled loved one. Drivers are also trained to assist and have CPR certification.

Transportation services with B Home Care provide seniors with the freedom to travel around their neighborhood and area and take the burden of transportation off of busy family members who may not always have time to “go pick grandma up.”

You can use the service as much or as little as you want, including for temporary needs such as after surgery.

Quality Care For You and Your Loved Ones

B Home Care provides the highest quality care to allow seniors to remain in their own homes as long as possible. This includes personal and home health care as well as reliable elderly transportation services.

Contact us to find out how we can help you or your loved one with their needs.

Photo Credit: Kzenon / Shutterstock

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